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OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

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How I feel about Portal 2:

Best. Game. Ever. I will buy 38 copies on separate Steam accounts just to make sure I can play it always.
Totally Awesome! I'll buy it the first day it comes out, no matter what the cost!
Great game! I'll be sure to get it as long as it isn't too pricey.
Good game! I'll get it if it's offered in some combo package like Portal 1 in the Orange Box.
No votes
It just looks OK. I'd play it if it was free or gifted to me.
Looks boring. Didn't like the first one, and won't play this one, either.
No votes
What a piece of crap. You couldn't pay me to play that piece of crap.
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Wait, Newgrounds is coming out with a new Flash Portal???
Total votes : 12


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Post Tue Sep 07, 2010 3:13 am

OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

Despite my absolute love of video games, I am usually behind the times when it comes to information on future releases. Why? I hate to find out about a game that looks amazing and then find out I have to wait 12-24 months for its release. I knew Portal 2 was in the works for a while, but I only came across Portal 2 trailers from E3 today. I had quarantined myself for too long, and I had to bite.

Needless to say, it wowed the hell out of me. For those of you that aren't aware, you can trot on over to http://www.thinkwithportals.com for all the trailers. I know our residential code geekstress (yes, I just made up a word) will be flocking towards it, especially if Jonathan Coulton has anything to do with the soundtrack.

Now I have to wait, twiddling my thumbs for 2011... :?


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Post Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:04 am

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

If the trailer is any indication of game play, this is just like the original portal, but in a "cooperative" mode. Instead of it being a glorified FPS, you'll know have to solve the puzzle rooms using various avatars that will need to be in the right place at the right time. Yes, you'll have to think a little more, and your timing will probably be more critical, but the question is this: will we be frustrated by trying to handle multiple avatars in a timed basis, or will that enhance game play.

Additionally - is it possible for two people to play co-cp, and via Skype or Xfire or some other VOIP messenger , coordinate moves to solve a level?

Portal 2 has the potential to be either a terrific sequel - or a tremendous flop. I hope for the first, but I'll let others play it before I plunk down money for it.... ;)


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Post Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:57 am

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

I voted 'Great game! I'll be sure to get it as long as it isn't too pricey', although the price of the game itself isn't at all an issue, the problem is that I'm running on a medium power laptop, and I'm not sure if it'll be able to run it, considering most recent Source games lag quite a bit on it (L4D2 onwards).


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Post Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:33 pm

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

Even though I still have yet to beat Portal, I know I enjoy the game a lot. I also knew there was a Portal 2 in the works as well, because I still had a few more months before my subscription to Game Informer ran out in June of this year. I'm not too hep on the co-op idea for a puzzle game, but I'd probably either rent it from Blockbuster (for PS3) or borrow it from a friend, should that friend buy it. In the end, I'll more than likely buy it myself. Only time will tell. ;)
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Post Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:55 pm

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

MwMike wrote:I voted 'Great game! I'll be sure to get it as long as it isn't too pricey', although the price of the game itself isn't at all an issue, the problem is that I'm running on a medium power laptop, and I'm not sure if it'll be able to run it, considering most recent Source games lag quite a bit on it (L4D2 onwards).

Definitely. I'm worried that I'll be able to get a decent framerate out of it. I've got 128MB of video memory or whatever, so I'm sure it'll run. I've got no problems running it on low settings, but I think in the end I may just get it form my 360. We'll see how things turn out.

Aside from that, it looks like another excellent game. I'm not the biggest fan of puzzle games, but the original Portal really blew me away. I forget how, but I managed to import the Portal files into HL2 (or vice-versa, whatever :P) and I would put a portal directly in front of and behind me. Then, I pulled out the .357 and shot myself in the head to see if it worked. It did. :lol:


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Post Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:53 pm

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

Voted the first option, it'd be what I'd do if I had a Steam account, enough money to pay, and authorization of my father... 8-)

I loved the first game, played it for just 10 min., passion at first play. :lol: :lol: :lol:

So, it must be awesome, I checked the vids, it'll be really great.

Buy it Eagle.And enjoy it. A lot.

I'd love to play that game.

lol, it was hard to put the image in the signature... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Post Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:16 pm

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

ByteSlinger wrote:If the trailer is any indication of game play, this is just like the original portal, but in a "cooperative" mode. Instead of it being a glorified FPS, you'll know have to solve the puzzle rooms using various avatars that will need to be in the right place at the right time. Yes, you'll have to think a little more, and your timing will probably be more critical, but the question is this: will we be frustrated by trying to handle multiple avatars in a timed basis, or will that enhance game play.

Additionally - is it possible for two people to play co-cp, and via Skype or Xfire or some other VOIP messenger , coordinate moves to solve a level?

Portal 2 has the potential to be either a terrific sequel - or a tremendous flop. I hope for the first, but I'll let others play it before I plunk down money for it.... ;)

One thing to note, if you look at the 8 or so trailers on the thinkwithportals site, is that a lot of the gameplay is solo, but involves the use of new technologies that were not given to us in the first Portal. For example, the propulsion gel, in combination with your handheld Portal device, allows you to coat choice locations with the propulsion gel, which allows you to build up great speed. Naturally, with a Portal, you can redirect yourself as necessary to speed past obstacles and move throughout the facility. The new technologies in particular were quite interesting, and look to be a great mental challenge to master.

Since we were well-trained on how to think with portals in Portal 1, I think they will build on those skills to involve these new technologies. Also, the introduction of Wheatley, an AI companion, gives you one more nonviolent tool to utilize in your quest for freedom. It looks as though the original theme of Portal, that being using nonviolent technology to stop GLaDOS will allow the original appeal of the game to shine through again.

As far as multiplayer goes, I'm assuming you're referring to the trailer on the front page. That appears to be a different play mode of the game. In that mode, you appear to play as bots, while the single-player campaign brings you back as Chell. She appears to have re-entered Aperature Laboratories, which has decayed somewhat and has become overgrown with vegetation. However, the technologies there are still mostly intact, and we will even get to revisit some of the old test chambers we were in before, placing a new spin on an old level from the previous game.

If I were you, Byte, I'd strongly recommend checking out the videos on the Media page (handy link here) to check out Chell's return. I'm sure you will be quite happy with what you see!


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Post Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:19 pm

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

Don't get me wrong - I'm not knocking it down before I play it. Like I said, I hope the mods and new play modes add to the puzzle-room problem solving.

However, as with any other game, media hype is one thing - but game play is another. I'm not worried about it taxing my gamer box (hell, I don't think running air traffic control for New York could tax my rig LOL) - I'm looking for fluid gameplay, reasonable options in the problem-solving scenario, relatively accurate physics, good mouse/keyboard response, and something that is not too easy to win - or impossible to win without looking at the walkthroughs.

Portal "1" was good - a little short, but a lot of fun. Had a blast trying to find the easter eggs, and watching laser-bots fall endlessly in a floor-ceiling loop just for lulz. I hope P2 truly adds to this without being a glorified re-hash. Once it's released and past the media hype stage, I know enough people that will have it on day 1 - and within 24 hours, have some feedback from a half a dozen serious gamers (most of which are my teen-aged nephews!)

We shall see - I won't judge it until I play it - fair's fair.


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Post Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:30 pm

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

Rabid-Animals wrote:I forget how, but I managed to import the Portal files into HL2 (or vice-versa, whatever :P) and I would put a portal directly in front of and behind me. Then, I pulled out the .357 and shot myself in the head to see if it worked. It did. :lol:

You deserve these:





:lol: :lol: :lol:

I would check the link Eagle, but I don't want to spoil anything in the first game because I still have yet to beat it. >_>
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Post Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:22 pm

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

SlntCobra1 wrote:You deserve these:

Here's a link. Try it out after you've beaten the game, Cobra. It's a blast to just mess around with grenades and stuff. I like to open a portal on a wall and then one under a car. Then, I put a portal where the car would hit after it comes out of the second portal, to create an infinite loop. After it gains speed, I move one of the portals, and BOOM, car cannon. :lol:


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Post Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:28 pm

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

The first game was absolutely fantastic, which was a surprise for me as when I bought The Orange Box for the 360, I had no intention of playing it at all, because I'm a die hard Half Life fan. Regardless, it had an amazing plot and was incredibly fun. The grin on my face the first time I had 'Still Alive' was huge.

Can't wait to have a blast of the second one, maybe this one will have an even bigger connection to the Half Life series!


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Post Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:33 pm

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

DumbassDude wrote:The first game was absolutely fantastic, which was a surprise for me as when I bought The Orange Box for the 360, I had no intention of playing it at all, because I'm a die hard Half Life fan. Regardless, it had an amazing plot and was incredibly fun. The grin on my face the first time I had 'Still Alive' was huge.

Can't wait to have a blast of the second one, maybe this one will have an even bigger connection to the Half Life series!

There's really only one way this thing is going to come to an awesome pinnacle:

1) Gordon Freeman with a Portal Gun

Imagine that...awesome upon awesome = awesome.

I thought of Chell with guns, but hey, not as interesting. Chell is great because she kicks ass with no weapon other than her portal gun, anyway.

And yes, I have seen the hack that allows the portal gun in HL2, but we all know it'll be far more interesting if Valve integrates their Gordon Freeman puzzles with portal technology. It'd be a far more interesting game at that.


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Post Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:59 pm

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

Oh definitely. But what if there were a gun which fired portals and crowbars? :shock: I know I might be going out on a limb here, but hey, it sounds good in theory.
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Post Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:25 am

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

SlntCobra1 wrote:Oh definitely. But what if there were a gun which fired portals and crowbars? :shock: I know I might be going out on a limb here, but hey, it sounds good in theory.

The technology is too new. It's too experimental, even for GLaDOS. How about this crowbar instead?



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Post Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:53 am

Re: OK, seriously, who else is psyched about Portal 2?

Well, that's disappointing. Portal 2 release date has been pushed back to April 11th or so, 2011. Guess they found a few more glitches in beta testing. Oh, well - I still want to get it, anyway - but I'll wait till it's got a stable release level.

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